A downloadable game


  • Wall Jumping
  • Fun Platforming
  • Unique Puzzle Solving
  • Colorful Environments
  • Epic Enemies

Our game takes place in outer space! You the player, take on the role of a female astronaut named Gaya! Gaya is trying to save her home world from running out of sustainable energy by visiting nearby planets in search of reliable energy sources. It is your responsibility to run, jump, and shoot your way to the energy source at the end of every level and bring it back to your ship for safe keeping!

The worlds Gaya steps foot in each have their own unique look to it. From the heavy crystal moon, to a fire landscape, to a forest with a seemingly ancient tomb, there is a lot to discover on Gaya's adventure. Gaya must defend herself at all costs or she will fail her family and friends back home. Gaya is her planet's last hope, can you help her save it?!

People on project:

  • Coders: 
    • Jacob Brady
    • Hiram Sun
  • Tech:
    • Trent Sweeney
    • Mohammad Saade
  • Artists:
    • Victoria Gillis
    • Kylon Tome
    • Justin Ton


Gold Release Build-1.zip 46 MB

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